How expensive is the cost of carving red agate? Do you know?

The red agate carvings are now very expensive. Everyone knows that the materials are expensive. Others may not know. Some people always say: "This South Red carving is only a multi-purpose, how much is a carving knife, carving a pendant. How long will it take? Is it worthwhile to add up? However, a good piece of carving actually has tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands...some famous works, even for millions! The engravers are too dark!"

Every line and every industry has hardships that we can't see. You only see one carving, but how much do you know about the sacrifice behind this carving? The engraver is not without the capital. Their capital is far beyond your imagination. They use their own energy and time as their capital. They insist on studying every day. They are not afraid of boring, not afraid of dullness, repeating the same thing day after day.


They began carving at the age of 20 until they were 50 years old, and the work was slightly improved, but not necessarily bought. In the first half of his life, he carved 5-8 pieces of carvings every month. He not only has no income, but also needs to pay a lot of money to practice!

If it is you, will you use your life to gamble on a career with a success rate of only 5%, and the road is bumpy, difficult, and lonely? You know, in order to create a piece of work, the sculptor needs to walk for a long time to write a living and go to nature to learn? Is the cost in this process not the cost of this carving?

Everyone has different levels, different values, some people are willing to buy a house, because they can appreciate; some people are willing to buy paintings, because this painting has its own beauty; some people are willing to buy South Red carvings because it has a unique artistic conception!

After ten years of grinding a sword, it is necessary to pass on the world. People who can engrave and write are also capable of doing some business that earns a little more money. It took them decades to get the magical carving skills. South Red Agate is so expensive now, in addition to the material, the hard work of the jade carving master also hopes to get everyone's recognition and respect.

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