The significance of the inheritance of jade culture

Beyond the limitations of the text, to the prehistoric jade carving of the idol and jade ritual system data, to do mythological interpretation and reconstruction of ideas

The record of oracle bones in China's Shang Dynasty was only 3,000 years old. However, the Chinese characters we use today are still the same text that has continued from the Oracle era. The continuation of the text symbol continues to ensure the continued growth of cultural traditions.

According to the international academic circles to judge civilization and prehistoric standards, there are three essential elements, namely, words, cities and bronzes. Only in the Shang Dynasty, the Huaxia civilization had oracle bone characters. The texts of the Xia Dynasty and the Xia Dynasty, except for a small number of unscientific Tao Wen symbols, have not yet reached scale. At present, our country is still adhering to the belief of the ancient heritage, and regards China as a continuum of more than 5,000 years of civilization.


The author believes that if you are not too particular about the internationally accepted judging criteria, you need to first confirm whether there is an ideographic symbol system that is popular before Oracle. Fortunately, the Chinese archaeological discoveries of more than 90 years have found out this system, that is, as a symbolic object that carries the sacred meaning - jade ritual. In recent years, the archaeological community has advocated the traditional theory of culture, paying attention to the historical manifestation of mythology before the emergence of Chinese characters—the symbolic inheritance of non-literature. First, the image of the painted pottery is followed, and then the jade ritual symbol unearthed is focused on, and according to the jade ware systemic clues in this respect, the mythological research horizon of the Chinese civilization is extended to the interpretation of the Xinglongyu culture jade 8000 years ago.

The theory of subdivision of cultural size traditions uses Oracle as the beginning of a small tradition of writing, and takes the cultural traditions that precede and excel in writing as a great tradition. This kind of cultural theory can transcend the limitations of the text, and go to the systematic materials of prehistoric jade carvings and jade rituals to do mythological interpretation and reconstruction of ideas. In the past, the study of Chinese mythology was based on the handed down documents such as Shan Hai Jing and Chu Ci, and its vision can only be a small traditional vision of more than 2,000 years. Nowadays, through the Yulong and jade silkworms of Hongshan culture, the jade frog and the jade god emblem of Liangzhu culture, the study of mythology and prehistoric history is combined.

Located at the archaeological excavation site of the Xiaonanshan site in Raohe County, Heilongjiang Province, on the Wusuli River, hundreds of jade artifacts, pottery and stoneware were discovered, including more than 30 pieces of jade articles such as jade, jade beads and jade rings, more than 400 pieces. Stone specimen. According to experts in archaeological research and dating data, the age of unearthed cultural relics is about 9000 years ago. A jade culture that has lasted for 9000 years and has never been interrupted must have an indelible foundational effect on the creation of the Chinese civilization. For the time being, I don’t want to mention the emperor’s imaginary sky, the Jade Emperor, even the world-famous Pangu creation myth, but also the emphasis on the essence of the Pangu corpse metamorphosis, that is, the source of the rare jade seen in the world!

The firstborn Pangu, dying incarnation. The air is in the wind, the sound is the thunder, the left eye is the day, the right eye is the moon, the limbs are the four poles and the five mountains, the blood is the river, the veins are the ground, the skin is the soil, the hair is the stars, the fur is the vegetation, the guttata For the stone, the essence is Zhuyu, ... (Xu entire "five-year calendar")

Archaeological knowledge has been made clear, metal culture into the Central China Huaxia country is about 4000 years ago; and the emergence of jade culture is much earlier than any metal, and even much earlier than any creation of the Pangu or Fuxi. This gives the conditions for revisiting small traditional narrative knowledge from the big traditional new knowledge.

The supportive role of new materials and new theories has brought about a big expansion of the Chinese culture. How to respect and pay attention to the cultural continuum that has not been interrupted in 9000 years - Chinese jade culture has become a guiding issue. This is to use the actual results of scientific research to provide academic support and enlightenment for the culture of the new era.

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