How to choose a thousand-eye bodhi? Identification and maintenance methods of Thousand Eyes Bodhi


Thousand eye bodhi identification

With the warming of the Bodhi collection, the Thousand Eyes Bodhi is more liked by the majority of collectors. In the antique market, there is also the emergence of “Li Gui”, which calls the collectors to complain again and again, so how do you identify the Thousand Eyes Bodhi?

1, "eyes" should be more. Thousands of eyes, the eye is the soul of a thousand eyes Bodhi, not many eyes are not good, a thousand eyes Bodhi. The eyes of many thousand-eyed Bodhi, the name is true, the dense eyes are like stars, the holes are broken and all illusory... more beautiful and mysterious.

2. "Eyes" should be black. Since it is an eye, it must be judged according to the aesthetic standards of our eyes. Gray-brown is a pathological eye that does not conform to the aesthetics of our Chinese nation. The eyes of Chinese children and children of the Yellow Emperor are dark, so we ask that the eye of the eye-catching Bodhi is also black and bright.

3, "eyes" should be large. The reason for this one is similar to the previous one. If a person has big eyes and paints a black hair, such as a clear water, the waves are full, everyone likes it. The same is true of Bodhi.

4, "eyes" must be true. I think this article is more important than what is said above. Many of the online sales of thousands of eyes have not reached this standard, most of them are missing a small piece of the eye, brown, which is not true. Eyes are not just a requirement of beauty. I guess the false eye will be detached after a long period of friction, and the material in the eye will fall off and form an "empty", which is very ugly.

5, "eyes" to be round. This test is not about the pros and cons of the original seed, but depends on the craftsmanship of the producer. When sanding, the surface of the beads is often parallel to the eyes of Bodhi. The "eyes" that are thus polished out of the beads are not round, and often have a cone, an ellipse, or even a black line. In this case, everyone can make up for it. The eyes are big and round, so it is beautiful. This is the paranoia and particularity of the children who play the wenwan.

6. Places other than "eyes" should be white. White porcelain is like porcelain, which is one of the outstanding performances of Yuanbao Xingyue. I used the same statement on thousands of eyes...but even if it has nothing to do with the density of a thousand eyes, it is a ugly white, with a good primary color, a leading starting line, and the bead plate is definitely very beautiful.

How to choose Qiandao Bodhi

1. The natural lines of the Thousand-Eyed Bodhi should be preserved. When sanding, use sandpaper to follow the surface of the Thousand-Eyed Bodhi fruit, and do not damage the lines.

2, the black spots on the surface of the thousand-eyed Bodhi fruit should be cleaned up, otherwise it will not be easy to watch after playing for a while. More importantly, pay attention to the connection of the lines when cleaning the black spots. Never cut off the fine lines in order to clean the black spots, causing the lines to hang in the air.

3, the eye of the thousand-eye bodhi does not destroy, the thousand eyes that retain the full bud eye is the superb thousand-eyed bodhi, and the thousand eyes inlaid with beeswax are second.


Thousand eyes bodhi maintenance

Whether in the South or in the North, summer is a good season for wearing a thousand-eyed Bodhi. At the same time, Thousand-eyed Bodhi is good for oil, so if you are oily skin, then congratulations. When not in use on weekdays, place the bracelet in a sealed pouch to avoid cracking due to air drying.

Bodhi is a natural plant seed, and all can not touch water, otherwise it will become black or crack. Wash your hands, take a bath, etc. Please take off temporarily. More play is a good maintenance, and it will become more beautiful after a long time. Avoid collision with hard objects; not with acids, bases and organic solvents.

Should be cleaned frequently, keep the jewelry clean and shiny, long-term non-wearing accessories, can be placed in clean water once a year, wipe dry, and then apply some vegetable oil for maintenance. If the surface is dusty or oily, wash it quickly with warm soapy water to remove surface dust and oil, and then dry it in a ventilated place.

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